Week 2- How to adapt the Society 5.0 and its development?
How to adapt the Society 5.0 and its development? The idea of "Society 5.0" seeks to address societal problems by fusing digital transformation with the inventiveness of a broad range of individuals. Let us examine these two facets. In the "Imagination Society" of Society 5.0, individuals apply their vivid imaginations to recognize the problems and demands facing society. They then use data and digital technology to come up with creative solutions. This vision aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which have been approved by the UN. People are liberated from the limitations of earlier societies in Society 5.0. The emphasis now is on addressing individual needs, resolving issues, and adding value rather than efficiency. The secret to a profitable company is to set and adhere to a realistic budget. Comprehending financial statements, such as the cash flow, income, and balance sheets, is beneficial for monitoring progress, projecting future results, a...