Week 1- Case Study regarding AI-problem solving.

                                            Case Study regarding AI-problem solving.

             As a person enjoying video-game industry as a consumer - I would rather focusing my efforts on implementing AI to solve in-game problems on a production stage and on process stage.

       Artificial intelligence (AI) is an integral part of video game creation and testing. It can be used to automatically discover and resolve issues in game builds. Here are some of the ways AI can help solve challenges in game development, I will describe it down below.

            1. Automated testing: AI can automatically play the game and find problems and glitches that human testers may miss. AI can evaluate player behavior data to discover issues in a game build.

            2. Problem prediction: Using machine learning, AI can forecast which regions of the game are likely to produce issues based on prior data. AI can assist optimize game performance by studying how various game factors effect performance. 

    However, it is important to note that applying AI to gaming is a hard process that necessitates extensive expertise of computer science and game design. AI in games is a collection of algorithms that control the behavior of NPCs in various settings. This may include algorithms from control theory, robotics, computer graphics, and computer science in general (Pixonic, 2019 Habr).

    Also, important to remember that, the game's complexity can present significant challenges for the AI. After all, game mechanisms in games like StarCraft II are far more complicated than those in Atari games. As a result, at a particular frame rate and with known hardware requirements, machine learning will not necessarily be capable of learning and interacting with the full game state.

Pixonic. (2019, November 1). Как устроен гибридный игровой ИИ и в чём его преимущества. Habr. https://habr.com/ru/companies/pixonic/articles/473932/


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