Utilising technology to establish a human-centred society is part of adapting Society 5.0.  This aims at creating a society where people can resolve various social challenges with the help of AI. 

There will be the need of an agile governance model which is about being able to understand and adapt to change quickly in an evolving environment. It is about defining the fastest route that brings the most value.

 Incorporate entrepreneurial knowledge into all levels of formal education. This involves adding programmes to the curriculum in areas like business management, creativity, problem-solving, and innovation.

Encourage practical learning opportunities where students can use their entrepreneurial abilities in real-world situations, such as projects, training programmes, and internships.

 To support entrepreneurial learning, make use of digital tools and technology platforms. Mentorship and access to resources can be supported through virtual incubators, creative platforms, and online courses.


In the era of Society 5.0, crazy-advanced tech like AI and robots will help solve big problems. But humans still gotta drive the innovation train! To roll with these game-changing times, we all need a fresh skill set. 

Entrepreneurs have the skills to survive and thrive amidst rapid change. Their trick? They're super creative at spotting opportunities and whipping up innovative solutions. With an entrepreneurial mindset, you can adapt as technologies disrupt industries left and right.

So what entrepreneurial skills are essential? Get curious about emerging technologies and how to leverage them. Savvy tech and data skills are key. But don't overlook the human side - things like problem-solving, collaborating with others, and resilience when the road gets bumpy.

How to gain these abilities? Lots of options! Formal entrepreneurship training, internships at startups, or mentoring from seasoned innovators. Don't sleep on developing a sustainability mindset too - Society 5.0 is all about helping people while protecting the planet.

The future is coming in hot, but a suite of entrepreneurial skills can help you hang tight and thrive. An innovative, tech-savvy, adaptable YOU is ready for Society 5.0!


Society 5.0 aims to create a society where people can resolve various social challenges by incorporating innovations such as AI, robots and big data into society. Entrepreneurs can take advantage of opportunities and address challenges in Society 5.0 by having data, technology, and human literacy skills. They have the chances to address social concerns and promote innovation which in return contribute to a brighter, more sustainable future by seamlessly linking digital and physical realms. Beyond agility, resilience emerges as an important predictor of business success. Entrepreneurs must have the tenacity to overcome losses, considering failures as great learning experiences that drive them ahead with renewed insight (Çipi et al., 2023).

Society 5.0 calls for novel breed of entrepreneur—one who confidently navigates uncertainty, embraces change as a catalyst for growth, and perceives challenges as opportunities for innovation and advancement. By embracing these inherent qualities, entrepreneurs thrive amidst the dynamic convergence of virtual and physical worlds, driving progress and defining the trajectory of Society 5.0 in a manner that is both professional and impactful. In this era of unprecedented technological advancement and societal transformation, entrepreneurs serve as the vanguards of change, shaping the landscape of Society 5.0 with their visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to driving positive change (Çipi et al., 2023).


How to adapt the Society 5.0 and its development?

The idea of "Society 5.0" seeks to address societal problems by fusing digital transformation with the inventiveness of a broad range of individuals. Let us examine these two facets. In the "Imagination Society" of Society 5.0, individuals apply their vivid imaginations to recognize the problems and demands facing society. They then use data and digital technology to come up with creative solutions. This vision aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which have been approved by the UN. People are liberated from the limitations of earlier societies in Society 5.0. The emphasis now is on addressing individual needs, resolving issues, and adding value rather than efficiency.

The secret to a profitable company is to set and adhere to a realistic budget. Comprehending financial statements, such as the cash flow, income, and balance sheets, is beneficial for monitoring progress, projecting future results, and controlling spending. A network is an important asset.

Meet like-minded individuals, form teams, and stay current with industry developments through networking. Entrepreneurs must have good communication skills.

One crucial ability is the ability to present and pitch in front of investors with confidence. Development benefits from constructive criticism; the important thing is to be willing to learn from it. Individuals are free from prejudice based on their gender, color, nationality, or other characteristics to live, learn, and work.

Minimizing Inequality: The goal of Society 5.0 is to lessen the differences in access to information and income. Contributions are welcome at any time and from any location. To manage a successful firm, financial statement analysis and budgeting are crucial.


Society 5.0 is commonly known as Super Smart Society and data are collected from the "real world" and are processed by computers.  By applying the results to a real-world situation, it helps to envision a human-centred society by integrating cyberspace and physical space. Society 5.0 relies heavily on the advancement of technology, such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to develop by becoming more sustainable. Now let's focus on how to adapt to society 5.0 through learning and developing some entrepreneurial skills.

First, it's crucial to develop skills such as critical thinking (empathy, creativity, and adaptability) as Society 5.0 values human-centric solutions. Technology and society evolve rapidly day by day, and adaptability is a must to respond well to changes in a business environment. entrepreneurs need to engage in continuous education through online courses, workshops, and seminars in order to gain insight that is driving changes in various fields  (AI, blockchain, cybersecurity, etc).

In addition, developing a mindset towards sustainability and social responsibility helps to identify societal and market gaps that can be applied to local contexts through global trends and a clear vision of what they want to achieve. Moreover, entrepreneurs in Society 5.0 must be comfortable with leveraging technology to develop new business models and solutions.

To sum up, adapting to Society 5.0 is much about embracing a mindset of continuous learning by acquiring skills in particular field. It requires entrepreneurs to value technological advancement, ethical considerations, and the well-being of society. By doing these, it allows entrepreneurs to continue to thrive and contribute to Society 5.0.


Have Entrepreneurial Skills | HBS Online. (2020, August 25). Business Insights Blog.

A., & Team, A. (2023, November 6). Developing essential entrepreneurship skills: What you need to succeed. AIContentfy.

Jain, M. (2024, February 26). Mastering entrepreneurial skills: What makes them important for success? Emeritus Online Courses.

Çipi,    A., Fernandes, A. C. R., Ferreira, F., Ferreira, N. C. M. Q. F., & Meidutė‐Kavaliauskienė, I. (2023). Detecting and developing new business opportunities in society 5.0 contexts: A sociotechnical approach. Technology in Society73, 102243.

Deguchi A. et al. What is society 5.0 //Society. – 2020. – Т. 5. – №. 0. – С. 1-24.

Xu X. et al. Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0—Inception, conception and perception //Journal of manufacturing systems. – 2021. – Т. 61. – С. 530-535.

Putra A. H. et al. Bimbingan dan konseling di perguruan tinggi pada era society 5.0 //Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sosial. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. 1. – С. 128-136. 

  Deguchi, A., Hirai, C., Matsuoka, H., Nakano, T., Oshima, K., Tai, M., & Tani, S. (2020). What is Society 5.0? In Springer eBooks (pp. 1–23).


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