Week 2- How to adapt the Society 5.0 and its development, include learning and developing some essential entrepreneurial skills?

Society 5.0 aims to create a society where people can resolve various social challenges by incorporating innovations such as AI, robots and big data into society.
Entrepreneurs can take advantage of opportunities and address challenges in Society 5.0 by having data, technology, and human literacy skills. They have the chances to address social concerns and promote innovation which in return contribute to a brighter, more sustainable future by seamlessly linking digital and physical realms. Beyond agility, resilience emerges as an important predictor of business success. Entrepreneurs must have the tenacity to overcome losses, considering failures as great learning experiences that drive them ahead with renewed insight (Çipi et al., 2023).

Society 5.0 calls for novel breed of entrepreneur—one who confidently navigates uncertainty, embraces change as a catalyst for growth, and perceives challenges as opportunities for innovation and advancement. By embracing these inherent qualities, entrepreneurs thrive amidst the dynamic convergence of virtual and physical worlds, driving progress and defining the trajectory of Society 5.0 in a manner that is both professional and impactful. In this era of unprecedented technological advancement and societal transformation, entrepreneurs serve as the vanguards of change, shaping the landscape of Society 5.0 with their visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to driving positive change (Çipi et al., 2023).


Çipi, A., Fernandes, A. C. R., Ferreira, F., Ferreira, N. C. M. Q. F., & Meidutė‐Kavaliauskienė, I. (2023). Detecting and developing new business opportunities in society 5.0 contexts: A sociotechnical approach. Technology in Society, 73, 102243. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2023.102243


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