week 1: what will be the problem you plan to solve with AI?


People working on AI initiatives today generally want to make valuable contributions to society and as big of an impact as possible. That’s why using AI to tackle many of the world’s deep-seated problems is top of mind: for example, personal transportation, health care and energy conservation. Fortunately, intelligence does not have to be solved at a system level, as tackling specific problems is often more efficient and productive in the long run. Breaking the effort into smaller, yet significant projects also gives teams the ability to better allocate their often-limited time and resources.


We should take an agile approach to the governance of AI

 we can benefit from artificial artificial innovation while we are figuring out how to regulate the technology 

Let me give you an example: Ford Motor produced the Model T car in 1908, but it took 60 years for the US to issue formal regulations on the use of seatbelts. This delay did not prevent people from benefitting significantly from this form of transportation. At the same time, however, we need regulations so society can reap sustainable benefits from new technologies like AI and we need to work together as a global community to establish and implement them

Bunker, B. (2018, July 23). What problems should you solve with AI? Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2018/07/23/what-problems-should-you-solve-with-ai/?sh=7bd9084037f2

Here are 3 big concerns surrounding AI - and how to deal with them. (2020, April 27). World Economic Forum.



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